佳作奖:V50 Citrus Box 0
V50 is an optimal ventilated long-distance box for lemons and tangerines. 50 air vents and air corridors ensure optimal air flow and ventilation. Stacking system on short sides ensures maximum pallet stability. The box has maximum stacking strength and resistance for strapping. Optimal airflow keeps delicate citrus fruits fresh and intact. It is proven for long distance exporting (SGS certified). This design reduced freight costs through optimised box and stacking design on pallets and optimised loading of trucks and containers. Printability of box supports branding. Mono material enables easy disposal, thus increasing the recycling rate. This packaging is enviromentally friendly. It is maden from a renewable resource. Excellent fruit conservation due to optimal cooling and minimum manual handling of produce during transport. It has good visibility and access to the product.