银奖:Papier Machine 106
所属单位: Panoplie
设计单位: Raphael Pluvinage + Marion Pinaffo
主创团队: Raphael Pluvinage , Marion Pinaffo , Agnes Agullo
Papier Machine is a collection of beautiful thematic books printed with conductive ink gathering experiences to unveil the mysteries of electronic black boxes in a singular and accessible way. More than a book, Papier Machine is an expedition into the invisible aesthetics of circuits where paper, electricity, graphics and play meet. The first volume, Papier Machine Vol.0, is a series of 6 interactive electronic paper toys ready to be cut, folded and assembled by any curious ones of all ages! Its theme is the sound. Circuits hide a surprising narrative potential whose stories Papier Machine chose to tell extending the possibilities of paper from colours and shapes by printing with conductive ink. With Papier Machine, you will bring paper to life building real circuits by adding a simple button cell, a sound component, a marble ball and a pencil. You will play music, mini-golf, challenge gravity… You will create a whole family of toys! Papier Machine is already 3 years old. It had the chance to be exhibited at the Musée des Arts décoratifs in Paris in May 2017. In January 2018, it launched on Kickstarter to be available for pre-order until Summer 2018. Today, it is a three-member team based in Paris: Raphaël Pluvinage and Marion pinaffo, both designers running their own studio and Agnes Agullo, who worked for several years in the music world and for charity organisations. Convinced by learning through play, they met around this common desire to offer singular experiences for alternative learning. Papier Machine collection of beautiful thematic books is the first product of a series that they intend to provide as an experience editor.
看似简单,实则意韵深远。书,作为一种文化象征,实现了多种零部件之间的紧密结合。不仅极具娱乐性,也让人们在操作的过程中实现感知,探索与理解,让个人行为与电子产品建立联系。Papier Machine外观精美,有趣好玩,益智且不乏诗意,将成为童年般珍贵的存在。